Legal information


(“informative text”) internet sitesi olarak; müşterilerinin, iş ortaklarının ve ilişki içerisinde bulunduğu diğer üçüncü kişilerin kişisel verilerinin korunması ile veri gizliliği ve güvenliğinin sağlanması bakımından veri sorumlusu sıfatıyla kişisel verilerin korunmasına ilişkin işbu aydınlatma metni (“Aydınlatma Metni”) sizleri bilgilendirmek amacıyla dikkatinize sunulmaktadır.

This Information Text is intended to be used within the framework of Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) by visiting Sanem Altaylı through her website, placing an order or requesting consultancy by physical or other methods, establishing a consultancy contract and/or concluding a consultancy contract. Your personal data (any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person, such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address) provided and/or collected within the scope of the performance of recruitment processes, or providing services to those who want to communicate (“Personal Data”) Sanem Altaylı as the “Data Controller” regarding the processing of (s)”) and your rights regarding them; It has been prepared to ensure that the disclosure obligation is fulfilled. Sanem Altaylı is the data controller within the scope of KVKK in terms of processing Personal Data. Personal Data can be processed and stored by Sanem Altaylı in accordance with the KVKK and the legislation on the protection of personal data. Purposes of Processing of Personal Data Your personal data, T.R. In accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution and Article 4 of the KVKK, by data controller Sanem Altaylı; Providing the services you request in line with your needs, communicating via the website, planning commercial and/or legal business strategies, consultancy offers, reviewing the offers for services, carrying out the information security process, establishing and/or executing a sales or consultancy agreement, carrying out customer relations processes. , Execution of contract processes and determination and control of the signature authority of the parties signing the relevant documents. Registration of identity, address, tax number and other information necessary to determine the owners and addressees of all kinds of works and transactions, preparation on paper or electronically, Competent Court, Enforcement Office, institution and It may be processed for the purposes of providing information to organizations, evaluating candidates in recruitment processes, and providing information about current events and news based on the services. Methods of Collection of Personal Data and Legal Reasons Personal Data may be collected verbally, in writing or through the tools and channels to be used by Sanem Altaylı, especially for consultancy, offering offers for services and/or establishing customer relations and/or establishing consultancy agreements and providing services through the website. It is collected electronically and in line with the above-mentioned purposes, based on meeting the minimum technological needs and legal reasons determined by law in order to ensure that Sanem Altaylı can fully and accurately fulfill its responsibilities arising from contracts and laws in the provision of services. Personal Data collected for these legal reasons can be processed and transferred by Sanem Altaylı in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the KVKK, in line with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK, and for the purposes specified in this text.

Processing of Personal Data Sanem Altaylı will collect Personal Data only for precise, clear and legal purposes and may store Personal Data for the periods required for the purposes of processing Personal Data explained in the relevant section above, and will process Personal Data within the framework specified in KVKK and this Information Text. They will not be processed in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which they were collected, and in case the reasons requiring their processing are eliminated, they will be deleted or destroyed or anonymized ex officio or upon the request of the relevant person, without prejudice to the cases that are legally obliged to keep them. Transfer of Personal Data Your Personal Data will be processed by Sanem Altaylı in accordance with the legal and financial audits in the country in accordance with Article 8 of the Law, in order to realize the Purposes of Processing of Personal Data stated in this Information Text and in addition to the data processing purposes stated below. It can be transferred to business partners, lawyers, competent courts and/or enforcement offices and public institutions and organizations for the purpose of In addition, in accordance with Article 9 of the KVKK, your personal data may be transferred by Sanem Altaylı directly or indirectly to third parties abroad from whom it receives or plans to receive consultancy, support or legal services, and to third parties from which it receives or plans to receive consultancy support or services on other matters (servers in various countries). may be transferred to legally authorized institutions and organizations (including cloud computing service providers that may be available) within the framework of the specified personal data processing conditions and purposes. Although your personal data may be transferred domestically or abroad, the necessary minimum technical and administrative measures are taken by Sanem Altaylı at the appropriate level. In addition, a commitment is made that third parties who transfer data have taken the necessary technical and administrative measures. Rights of the Data Owner T.R. In Article 20 of the Constitution, it is regulated that everyone has the right to be informed about personal data about him/her, and in accordance with Article 11 of KVKK, the right to “request information” is among the rights of the Personal Data owner. In this context, Sanem Altaylı provides the necessary information in case the personal data owner requests information, and with this Information Text, Sanem Altaylı informs the data owner about how the right to request information is exercised and how the issues related to the information request will be evaluated. Personal data owners have the following rights in accordance with KVKK: To learn whether their Personal Data has been processed, to request information if their Personal Data has been processed, to learn the purpose of processing of their Personal Data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, to learn whether their Personal Data is processed domestically or abroad. Knowing the third parties to whom the data has been transferred, requesting correction of the personal data if it has been processed incorrectly or incompletely, deleting/destroying the personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK, and notifying the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred within this scope. They have the right to request, to object to the emergence of a result against them by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems, and to request compensation in case they suffer damage due to the processing of their Personal Data in violation of KVKK. Application of the Data Owner You can submit your requests regarding your above-mentioned rights in writing to or to our address below. If the finalization of such requests requires an additional cost, Sanem Altaylı may request from the applicant the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Sanem Altaylı